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vid institutionen för psykologi

Allmänna seminariet

(7,5 högskolepoäng)
Allmänna seminariekursen

Qualitative research methodologies in Psychology

(7,5 credits)
The course offers an overview of methodologies used in qualitative research in Psychology including their philosophical assumptions, applications as well as other important issues related to qualitative research. 

Qualitative Research Methodologies in Psychology | Institutionen för psykologi (lu.se)

Quantitative Methods – Advanced statistics

(7.5 credits)

The course offers an introduction to structural equation models (SEM) and mixed model analyses, including their theoretical background and how to use the methods in different research scenarios. 

Quantitative Methods – Advanced statistics | Institutionen för psykologi (lu.se)


The Psychology of Ecological and Dynamic Systems

7,5 högskolepoäng

The course centers on the philosophical, experimental, and practical consequences of a shift in quantitative research principles based on Ecological Psychology and Dynamic Systems Theory.

The Psychology of Ecological and Dynamic Systems