A Celebration of Philip Zimbardo’s Life and Work

Philip Zimbardo (1933-2024), past psychology professor at Stanford University and American Psychological Association President, went from humble origins to become one of the best-known and recognized psychologists in the world.
Lund University bestowed on him a Doctor Honoris Causa in 2009 and he gave a brilliant presentation to a completely packed auditorium on: The Psychology of Evil, The Psychology of Time, and The Psychology of Heroism. His more than 2 hours long presentation was recorded and will be presented and broadcast, after a short introduction by Etzel Cardeña, Ph. D., and followed with a commentary by Magnus Lindén, Ph. D.
The seminar will also be live-streamed via Zoom.
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 642 5518 1062
Password: 042697
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etzel [dot] cardena [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se