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Publications by Elia Psouni

Published original articles in referee-assessed international journals

Han, G., Alfredsson, E., Cox, L., & Psouni, E. (in press). Variation in coparenting quality in relation to child age: Links to coparents’ relationship satisfaction and education. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.

Angelöw, A.*, Niwhede, V.*, & Psouni, E. (2023). Evaluating trauma-informed training for foster parents - a controlled pilot study of Resource Parent Curriculum in Sweden. Children and Youth Services Review. (*=equal contributions) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.106891

Andersson Søe, M., Schad, E. & Psouni, E. (2023). Transition to preschool: Paving the way for preschool teacher and family relationship building. Child and Youth Care Forum. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10566-023-09735-y

Larsson, J.*, Nyborg, L.*, & Psouni, E. (2022). Prematurity and development in the family system: a systematic review. Children. (*=equal contributions) https://doi.org/10.3390/children9111695

Psouni, E., Berg, J. & Persson, H. (2022). Solo mothers’ by choice transition to parenthood: Thoughts, feelings and experiences related to maternal health-services. Sexual and Reproductive Health Care. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.srhc.2022.100757

Bobrowicz, K. Sahlström, J., Thorstensson, K., Nagy, B. & Psouni, E. (2022). Generalizing solutions across functionally similar problems requires cognitive but not temperamental self-regulation in 2 to 4.5-year-olds. Cognitive Development. 62, 101181. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogdev.2022.101181

Andersson Søe, M., Schad, E. & Psouni, E. (2022). ‘Distance creates distance’: Preschool Staff’s Experiences and Reflections Concerning Preschool Introduction during the Covid-19-Pandemic. International Journal of Early Years Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669760.2022.2025584

Forslund, T., Granqvist, P., van IJzendoorn, M., Sagi-Schwartz, A., Glaser, D., Steele, M., Hammarlund, M., Schuengel, C., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M.J., Steele, H., Lux, U., Jacobvitz, D., Groh, A. M., Bernard, K., Cyr, C., Hazen, N.L., Foster, S., Psouni, E. Cowan, P., Cowan, C., et al. (2021). Attachment Goes to Court: Child Protection and Custody Issues. Attachment & Human Development https://doi.org/10.1080/14616734.2020.1840762

Forslund, T., Granqvist, P., van IJzendoorn, M., Sagi-Schwartz, A., Glaser, D., Steele, M., Hammarlund, M., Schuengel, C., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M.J., Steele, H., Lux, U., Jacobvitz, D., Groh, A. M., Bernard, K., Cyr, C., Hazen, N.L., Foster, S., Psouni, E., Cowan, P., Cowan, C., et al. (2021). El Apego Va a Juicio: Problemas de Custodia y Protección Infantil. Anuario de Psicología Jurídica, 32, 115-139. https://doi.org/10.5093/apj2021a26

Forslund, T., Granqvist, P., van IJzendoorn, M. H., Sagi-Schwartz, A., Glaser, D., Steele, M., Hammarlund, M., Schuengel, C., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., Steele, H., Shaver, P. R., Lux, U., Simmonds, J., Jacobvitz, D., Groh, A. M., Bernard, K., Cyr, C., Hazen, N. L., Foster, S., Psouni, E. … Duschinsky, R. (2022). L’attaccamento va in tribunale: protezione e affidamento dei minori. Quaderni di Psicoterapia Cognitiva. https://doi.org/10.3280/qpc50-2022oa14082

Forslund, T., Granqvist, P., van IJzendoorn, M. H., Sagi-Schwartz, A., Glaser, D., Steele, M., Hammarlund, M., Schuengel, C., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., Steele, H., Shaver, P. R., Lux, U., Simmonds, J., Jacobvitz, D., Groh, A. M., Bernard, K., Cyr, C., Hazen, N. L., Foster, S., Psouni, E. … Duschinsky, R. (2022). La prise en compte des liens d'attachement au tribunal: protection de l'enfance et décisions de résidence des enfants dans les situations de séparation parentale. Devenir, 34(1), 15-93. https://www.cairn.info/revue-devenir-2022-1-page-15.htm

Psouni, E., Frisk, C. & Brocki, K. (2021). Anxiety among Fathers in the Postnatal Period: Links to Depression, Attachment Insecurity and Emotion regulation. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadr.2021.100276

Mellor, R. L. & Psouni, E. (2021). The Study of Security Priming on Avoidant Attentional Biases: Combining Microsaccadic Eye Movement Measurement with a Dot-Probe Task. Frontiers in Psychology https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.726817

Compagno Strandberg, M., Olsson, P., Hedenrud, T., Källén, K. & Psouni, E. (2021). Validation of Swedish Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire, based on people with epilepsy. Epilepsy and Behavior. 115, 107615. Doi:10.1016/j.yebeh.2020.107615

Bobrowicz, K., Lindström, F., Lindblom Lovén, M. & Psouni, E. (2020). Flexibility in Problem Solving: Analogical Transfer of Tool Use in Toddlers Is Immune to DelayFrontiers in Psychology, 11, 2706.  https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.573730

Ness, T., Johansson R. & Psouni, E. (2020). Word length effects on pictorial memory encoding in 5- to 7-year-old children: An eye-tracking study. Cognitive Development, 55, 100917. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogdev.2020.100917

Cacciola, E. & Psouni, E. (2020). Insecure Attachment and Other Help-Seeking Barriers among Women Depressed Post-Partum. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)17, 3887.  https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17113887

Naivar Sen, C. K., Gurleyik, D. & Psouni, E. (2020). The Role of Physical Activity on Parental Rejection and Body Image Perceptions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH),17(7), pii: E2176. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17072176

Psouni, E., Breinholst, S., Hoff Esbjørn, B., & Steele, H. (2020). Factor structure of the Friends and Family Interview. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 61(3), 460-469https://doi.org/10.1111/sjop.12604

Di Folco, S., Zavattini, J-C. & Psouni, E. (2020). Factorial structure of the MCAST: A comparison of attachment to mother and attachment to father in early middle childhood. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 61(2), 243-252. https://doi.org/10.1111/sjop.12611

Psouni, E & Eichbichler, A (2020). Feelings of restriction and incompetence in parenting mediate the link between attachment anxiety and paternal Postnatal Depression. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 21(3), 416-129.  https://doi.org/10.1037/men0000233 (On line publication July 2019)

Psouni, E. (2019b). The Influence of Attachment Representations and Co-parents’ Scripted Knowledge of Attachment on Fathers’ Caregiving Representations. Attachment & Human Development, Special Issue: A family systems perspective on fathers and attachment, 21(5), 485-509.  https://doi.org/10.1080/14616734.2019.1582598

Psouni, E., Falck, A., Boström, L., Persson, M., Sidén, L., Wallin, M. (2019). Together I can! Joint attention boosts 3-4 year olds’ performance in a verbal false-belief test. Child Development, 90(1), 35-50.  https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13075

Oehler, M. & Psouni, E. (2018). “Partner in Prime? Effects of repeated mobile security priming on attachment security and perceived stress in daily life”. Attachment & Human Development, 20, 1-20.  https://doi.org/10.1080/14616734.2018.1517811

Ljung, H., Compagno Strandberg, M., Björkman-Burtscher, I. M., Psouni, E.* & Källén, K.* (2018). Test-specific differences in verbal memory assessments used prior to surgery in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 87: 18-24https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yebeh.2018.08.011 (*equal contributions)

Psouni, E., Perez Vicente, R., Dahlin, L.B. & Merlo, J. (2018). Psychotropic Drugs Use as Indicator of Mental Health in Adolescents Affected by a Plexus Injury at Birth: A Large Population-Based Study in Sweden, PLoS-ONE, 13e0193635.  https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0193635

Schreeb, von S. Merlo, J. & Psouni, E. (2018). Natural frequencies improved diagnostic inference among medical students in Sweden [Feltolkade testresultat: kan nytt presentationsformat förbättra läkarstudenters riskberäkning?] Läkartidningen, 115:EY3D.

Psouni, E., Agebjörn, J., & Linder, H. (2017). Symptoms of depression in Swedish fathers in the postnatal period and development of a screening tool. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 58, 485-496. https://doi.org/10.1111/sjop.12396

Di Folco, S., Messina, S., Zavattini, J-C. & Psouni, E. (2017). Attachment to mother and father at transition to middle childhood. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(3), 721-733. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-016-0602-7

Li, R., Bunke, S. & Psouni, E. (2016). Attachment relationships and physical activity in adolescents: The mediation role of physical self-conceptPsychology of Sport & Exercise, 22, 160-169.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2015.07.003

Psouni, E., Di Folco, S. & Zavattini, J-C. (2015). Scripted secure base knowledge and its relation to perceived social acceptance and competence in early middle childhood. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 56(3), 341-348. https://doi.org/10.1111/sjop.12208

Nilsson, S., Merlo, J., Lyberg-Åhlander, V., & Psouni, E. (2015). Psychotropic Drug Use in Adolescents Born with an Orofacial Cleft: A Population Based Study. British Medical Journal – Open. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005306

Psouni, E. & Apetroaia, A. (2014). Measuring scripted attachment-related knowledge in middle childhood: the Secure Base Script Test. Attachment & Human Development, 16, 22-41. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616734.2013.804329.

Psouni, E., Janke, A. & Garwicz, M. (2012). Impact of carnivory on human development and evolution revealed by a new unifying model of weaning in mammals. PLoS ONE 7(4): e32452. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0032452.

Thelin, J., Jörntell, H., & Psouni, E., Garwicz, M., Schouenborg, J., Danielsen, N., Eriksson Linsmejer, C. (2011). Implant size and fixation mode strongly influence tissue reactions in the CNS. PLoS ONE 26;6(1):e16267.

Thomasson, P. & Psouni, E. (2010). Social anxiety and related social impairment are linked to self-efficacy and dysfunctional coping strategies. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology51171–178.

Garwicz, M., Christensson, M. & Psouni, E. (2009). A unifying model for timing of walking onset in humans and other mammals.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 106:21889-21893.

Bengtsson, H. & Psouni, E. (2008). Mothers’ Representations of Caregiving and their Adult Children’s Representations of Attachment: Intergenerational Concordance and Relations to Beliefs about Mothering. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 49:247-257.

Nilsson H.J., Psouni E., Carstam R & Schouenborg J. (2004). Profound inhibition of chronic itch induced by stimulation of thin cutaneous nerve fibres. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 18(1):37-43.

Nilsson H.J., Psouni E., & Schouenborg J. (2003). Long-term depression of human nociceptive skin senses induced by thin fibre stimulation. European Journal of Pain, 7(3):225-33.


Published overview articles, invited

Psouni, E. & Nyborg, L. (2023). Familjesystemets betydelse för det prematura barnets utveckling: en systematisk översikt. Svensk Familjeterapi, 2(2023), ss.

Forslund, T., Psouni, E., Hammarlund, M., Reijman, S. & Granqvist, P., (2021). Anknytningsbedömningar bör undvikas vid vårdnadsutredningar. Psykologtidningen, 2021–8, 28-31. https://psykologtidningen.se/2021/12/15/anknytningsteorin-anvands-ofta-felaktigt/

Byström, C. Granqvist, T. & Psouni, E. (2021). Behandlar vi Postpartum Depression Familjesystemiskt? Svensk Familjeterapi, 3(2021), 34–43.

Psouni, E. (2019a). Postnatal depression hos pappor riskerar att gå under radarn. Best Practice: Psychiatry.


Books and Book Chapters

Psouni, E. (2019c). Växelvis boende: Utvecklingspsykologisk evidens och barns rättigheter. In L. Ponnert & A. Sonander (Red.) Perspektiv på Barnkonventionen. Studentlitteratur.

Psouni, E. (2014). Attachment in Middle Childhood: Convergence of Different Assessment Methods. In L. Barone (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International Attachment Conference, pp. 67-73. Medimond International, Pavia, Italy.

Dahlin, L. B., Ljungberg, E., Rosberg, H., Steen-Carlsson, K. & Psouni, E. (2010). Hand injuries in children. In MS Chung, GH Baek & HS Gong, Textbook in Hand Surgery, IFSSH publications.

Psouni, E. (2009). Trygga barn – om att knyta an. Kapitel 2 (pp. 11-26) In J. Hanssons Små barn kan, ICA-förlaget.

Psouni, E. (2009). Barnets emotionella utveckling. Kapitel 4 (pp. 65-83) In J. Hanssons Små barn kan, ICA-förlaget.

Psouni, E. E. (2005). Föräldraskap: Anknytningen mellan barn och föräldrar. In Lyckliga barn - en bok om Föräldraskap, ICA-förlaget.

Psouni, E. (2004). On Psychological factors Affecting reports of Itch. In G. Yosipovitch, M. W. Greaves, A. B. Fleischer & F. McGlone, Itch: Basic mechanisms and Therapy (pp. 351-367). New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.

Psouni, E. (1999). Beliefs about Mothering and Fathering in Parents and Non-parents: Themes, Structure and Well-being. PhD Thesis, 351 pages. Department of Experimental Psychology, Bristol University, Bristol, UK.


Manuals (own methods)

Psouni, E. (2019). Parental Caregiving and Attachment Interview (P-CAI) Coding Manual, 2nd revision. Unpublished manuscript, Lund University, Sweden.

Psouni, E. (2019). Parental Caregiving and Attachment Interview (P-CAI) Riktlinjer för Kodning. Swedish translation: Johan Sahlström & Elia Psouni. Unpublished manuscript, Lund University: Sweden.

Psouni, E., & Apetroaia, A. (2013). Secure Base Script Test (SBST) for middle childhood: Administration and scoring manual, 2nd revision. Unpublished manuscript, Lund University, Sweden.

Psouni, E. & Bengtsson, H. (2015). Parental Caregiving and Attachment Interview (P-CAI) Coding Manual. Unpublished manuscript, Lund University: Sweden.


Invited scientific paper presentations

2022 Den gynnsamma introduktionen till förskolan på spåret. IFOUS Mötesplats förskola. 2022-10-18.

2022 Psykisk ohälsa i familjen: Akuta och långsiktiga konsekvenser. Multihelix Think Tank. Lund and nationally, 2022-09-22.

2019 The Influence of Attachment Representations and Co-parents’ Scripted Knowledge of Attachment on Fathers’ and Mothers’ Caregiving Representations. Invited Symposium “A family systems perspective on fathers and attachment”, International Attachment Conference IAC, Vancouver, 2019-07-18.

2019 Depression and parental stress among Swedish fathers in the postnatal period: Screening and working through the help seeking barriers. Invited Symposium “Paternal depression in the postpartum and beyond”, European Psychiatric Association (EPA) Congress of Psychiatry, Warsaw, 2019-04-07.

2018 Föräldrastress, ångest och depression bland pappor under nyföddhetsperioden: symtom, tankar, känslor och särskilda föräldrabeteendenSocialstyrelsen, Folkhälsomyndigheten och Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhörigas konferens ”Späda barns hälsa och utveckling”. Stockholms Universitet, 2018-10-16.

2018 Hur mår pappor i Sverige, egentligen? Plenary lecture, Nordisk Förening för SpädbarnsUtveckling (NFSU) Conference. Malmö, 2018-10-11.

2018 Hur påverkas mammors och pappors tankar och känslor om barnet, om relationen till barnet, om sig själv som förälder, av psykisk ohälsa? Nordisk Förening för SpädbarnsUtveckling (NFSU) Conference. Malmö, 2018-10-11.

2018    Postpartumreaktioner och föräldrastress under den perinatala perioden - främst fokus på fäder. Västragötalandsregionen M-BHV Psykologer specialistkurs, Göteborgs Universitet. 2018-04-19.

2016 Cognitive developmental approach to attachment in middle childhood: Query into the nature of children’s attachment representations, and their measurement.” Whole day lecturesResearch Unit at Child and Adolescent Mental Health Center, Capital Region of Denmark Gentofte Hospital Copenhagen, 2016-11-18.

2016 Depressive Symptoms in Fathers: Assessment, risk factors and relations to representations of parental caregivingStockholm University, 2016-04-27.

2014 Parent-child interactions, emotion regulation and coping with health adversity. Invited at Life Cycles: Human Reproduction, Growth and Development, Berzelius-symposium, Skånes Universitetssjukhus, Malmö, 2014-04-24.

2013 Tracing the states of mind that make the difference: Psychoanalytic versus Cognitive therapeutic approach. Whole day lectures. Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology, University of Rome-Sapienza, Rome, 2013-11-29.

2013 Cognitive developmental approach to attachment in middle and late childhood. Whole day Lectures. Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology, University of Rome-Sapienza, Rome, 2013-11-28.

2010 Representations of parental caregiving and their relationship to attachment representations and interactions in the family. Uppsala University, 2010-04-22.

2008 Parental attachment and caregiving representationsDortmund University, 2008-12-09.


Conference papers (only referee-reviewed)

Han, G., Cheshire, C., & Psouni, E. (2022). Can we measure implicit attachment-related knowledge on-line? Secure Base Script assessment in different modalities. Paper presentation at the International Attachment Conference (IAC), 14–16 July, Lisbon, Portugal.

Andersson Søe, M & Psouni, E. (2022). Promoting the Child Attachment Network through Parent-Teacher Interactions during Preschool Transition. Paper presentation at the International Attachment Conference (IAC), 14-16 July, Lisbon, Portugal.

Cox, L., & Psouni, E. (2022). ‘It is his kid as much as mine’: Coparent exclusion, parent attachment and perinatal mental health during Covid-19 in Sweden. Paper presentation at the International Attachment Conference (IAC), 14–16 July, Lisbon, Portugal.

Cheshire, C. & Psouni, E. (2022). Do Postnatal Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms “Invade” Attachment Script Narrative Assessment? Paper presentation at the International Attachment Conference (IAC), 14-16 July, Lisbon, Portugal.

Andersson Søe, M., Schad, E, & Psouni, E. (2022). Introduction to Preschool During the Covid-19-Pandemic: Impacts of Social Restrictions on Staff-Family Relational Establishment. [Conference Presentation]. 17th European Congress of Psychology (ECP), July 5-8, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Andersson Søe, M., Schad, E., Psouni, E. (2021). Distance Creates Distance: Preschool Staff Reflections and Experiences Concerning Preschool Introduction During the Covid-19-Pandemic. Society for Emotion and Attachment Studies (SEAS): Innovations in Attachment-Based Interventions for Pandemic Times (conference), 2-3 December, New York, USA.

Psouni, E. (2019). The Influence of Attachment Representations and Co-parents’ Scripted Knowledge of Attachment on Fathers’ and Mothers’ Caregiving Representations. 6th Nordic Attachment Network (NAN) Conference, 4-5 September, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Mellor, R. & Psouni, E. (2019). The Impact of Attachment Security Priming on Avoidant Attentional Defenses, based on Eye Tracking and Micro-saccade Analysis. 6th Nordic Attachment Network (NAN) Conference, 4-5 September, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Psouni, E. (2019). The Influence of Attachment Representations and Co-parents’ Scripted Knowledge of Attachment on Fathers’ and Mothers’ Caregiving Representations. Invited Symposium: “A family systems perspective on fathers and attachment”: International Attachment Conference IAC, 18-20 July, Vancouver, Canada

Psouni, E., (2019). Depression and parental stress among Swedish fathers in the postnatal period: Screening and working through the help seeking barriers. Invited Symposium “Paternal depression in the postpartum and beyond: diagnosis, risk factors and consequences for child development” (April 7th, 2019): European Psychiatric Association (EPA) 27th Congress of Psychiatry, 6-9 April 2019, Warsaw, Poland

Psouni, E., Breinholst, S., Hoff Esbjørn, B., & Steele, H. (2018). Factor structure of the Friends and Family Interview. 5th Nordic Attachment Network (NAN) Conference, 20-21 Sept, Lund, Sweden.

Han, G. & Psouni, E. (2018). The Effects of Attachment Security Priming on Avoidant Attentional Defences. 5th Nordic Attachment Network (NAN) Conference, 20-21 Sept, Lund, Sweden.

Xourafi, L. & Psouni, E. (2017). Difficult socioeconomic situations and attachment representations: A study about of Greek young adults and resilience to unemployment. 4th Nordic Attachment Network (NAN) Conference, 21-22 Sept, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Oehler, M & Psouni, E. (2017). Proximity via Smartphone? Effects of repeated Smartphone Security Priming on Mood, Attachment Security, Perception of Stress and Social Support in Daily Life. 4th Nordic Attachment Network (NAN) Conference, 21-22 Sept, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Danmark.

Psouni, E., Aldén, S., Andersson, L., Folger, S., Nilsson, A. Huldt, J. & Junes, S. (2017). Burdening Depressive Symptoms Postnatally Affect Parental Caregiving Representations and Behaviors in Mothers and Fathers Differently. Invited symposium presentation “The impact of depressive symptoms on father’s relationships as a parent, partner and co-parent”. International Attachment Conference (IAC), 29th June-1st July, London, UK.

Wullenkord, M. & Psouni, E. (2017). The role of Fathers’ Parenting Expectations and Experiences in the Longitudinal Link between Attachment Avoidance and Postnatal Depressive Symptomatology. International Attachment Conference (IAC), 29th June-1st July, London, UK.

Psouni, E. & Skyllbäck, H. (2017). Teenagers’ Attachment and Parent Caregiving Representations: Links to Emotion Regulation and Internalizing/Externalizing Problems. Paper Symposium - Attachment and Family: Influences on Children’s Emotion Regulation and Mental Health at School age and Adolescence. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, April 6-8, 2017, Austin, USA

Psouni, E., Folger, S., Nilsson, A. Huldt, J. & Junes, S. (2017). Parental Caregiving Representations and Behaviors in Fathers with Burdening Depressive Symptoms Postnatally. Paper symposium - Fathering in context: Determinants and impacts of fathering across multiple levels of analysis. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, April 6-8, 2017, Austin, USA

Eichbichler, A., Agebjörn, J. Linder H. & Psouni, E. (2017). Depressive Symptoms in Fathers Postnatally: Assessment Issues and Risk Factors. Poster presentation. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, April 6-8, 2017, Austin, USA

Wullenkord, M. & Psouni, E. (2017). Fathers’ Parenting Expectations and Experiences: Longitudinal Links to Postnatal Depressive Symptomatology. Poster presentation. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, April 6-8, 2017, Austin, USA

Aldén, S., Andersson, L. & Psouni, E. (2017). Depressed Mothers’ Attachment Scripts and Parental Caregiving Representations: Different between women who seek and women who do not seek help? Poster presentation. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, April 6-8, 2017, Austin, USA

Psouni, E., Aldén, S., Andersson, L. & Cacciola, E. (2016). Depressed Mothers’ Parental Caregiving Representations: Different between women who seek and women who do not seek help. 3rd Nordic Attachment Network (NAN) Conference, 22-23 Sept 2016, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.

Wullenkord, M. & Psouni, E. (2016). Fathers’ Parenting Expectations and Experiences and Their Longitudinal Links to Postnatal Depressive Symptomatology. 3rd Nordic Attachment Network (NAN) Conference, 22-23 Sept 2016, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.

Psouni, E. (2016). Parental caregiving representations, their teenagers’ attachment representations and links to internalizing and externalizing behaviors. Symposium presentation at the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD) Biennial Meeting, Vilnius, Jul 11–14, 2016.

Psouni, E., Blomgren, U., Fartouzi, P., Ohlsson, M. & Olsson, K. (2015). Attachment working models and self-representations in children and adolescents living in two households after parental separation. International Attachment Conference (IAC), 6-8 Aug 2015, NY, USA.

Eichbichler, A. & Psouni, E. (2015). Insecure Attachment and other Relational Qualities predict Depressive Symptoms in Fathers Post-birth. International Attachment Conference (IAC), 6-8 Aug 2015, NY, USA.

Cacciola, E. & Psouni, E. (2015). Insecure Attachment and other Help-Seeking Barriers among Women Depressed Postpartum who do not Seek Help. International Attachment Conference (IAC), 6-8 Aug 2015, NY, USA.

Koppel, L. & Psouni, E. (2015). Being Authentic and Feeling Understood: Attachment does not moderate the Link between Expressive Suppression and Social Outcomes. International Attachment Conference (IAC), 6-8 Aug 2015, NY, USA.

Falck, A. & Psouni, E. (2015). Sharing perspectives with the experimenter improves 3-4 year olds’ performance on a verbal false-belief task. Presentation at the Annual meeting of the European Society of Philosophy and Psychology, Tartu, Estonia, July 14-17 2015.

Dizdari, H., Bunke, S. & Psouni, E. (2015). Attachment, competitive anxiety and self-confidence among competitive swimmers in Sweden. Presentation (ID 190, 18 July) at the14th FEPSAC Congress, Bern, 14-19 July 2015.

Psouni, E., Di Folco, S. & Zavattini, J-C. (2015). Scripted secure base knowledge and its relation to perceived social acceptance and competence in early middle childhood. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, session 3-234, March 19-21 2015, Philadelphia, USA

Psouni, E.Wallin, M.Siden, L., Falck, A., Björklund, L. & Persson, M. (2015). Joint engagement enhances young children's performance in a verbal false belief taskSociety for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, session 3-094, March 19-21 2015, Philadelphia, USA

Nilsson, S., Merlo, J. & Psouni, E. (2015). Psychotropic Drug Use in Adolescents Born with an Orofacial Cleft: A Population Based Study. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, session 1-003, March 19-21, 2015, Philadelphia, USA

Cacciola, E. & Psouni, E (2015). Insecure Attachment Patterns and other Barriers among Non-help-seeking Women with Postpartum DepressionSociety for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, session 3-190, March 19-21 2015, Philadelphia, USA

Di Folco, S. & Psouni, E. (2015). Links between explicit self-perceptions and implicit scripted knowledge of secure base in early middle childhood.  Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, session 1-104, March 19-21 2015, Philadelphia, USA

Li, R.Bunke, S. & Psouni, E.  (2015). Attachment relationships and physical activity in adolescents: The mediation role of physical self-concept. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, session 1-054, March 19-21 2015, Philadelphia, USA

Di Folco, S., Soggiu, I., Di Verniere, V., Psouni, E. (2014). CONTINUITÀ VS. DISCONTINUITÀ DELL’ ATTACCAMENTO NELLA TRANSIZIONE ALLA SECONDA INFANZIA: UNO STUDIO LONGITUDINALE / Continuity vs. Discontinuity of attachment in the Transition to Middle Childhood: A Longitudinal Study. AIP (Associazione Italiana di Psicologia), Pisa 19-21 Sept, 2014.

Psouni, E & Cacciola, E. (2014). Non-help-seeking in postpartum depression: relations to attachment. 2nd Nordic Attachment Network (NAN) Conference, 27 Aug 2014, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen.

Psouni, E. (2014). Perceived pressure to conform and attachment as predictors of preadolescent internalizing symptoms: Preliminary results from a 3-year longitudinal study. 2nd Nordic Attachment Network (NAN) Conference, 27 Aug 2014, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen.

Psouni, E. (2013). Attachment in middle childhood: Convergence of different assessment methods. In IAC Symposium, Investigations of Attachment in Middle Childhood and Early Adolescence with the Friends and Family Interview, International Attachment Conference (IAC), Aug 30-Sep 1 2013, Pavia, Italy.

Merlo, J. & Psouni, E. (2013). Attachment coherence, but not parental support in sport, predicts children’s capacity to envisage coping with stressful sports situations. International Attachment Conference (IAC), Aug 30-Sep 1 2013, Pavia, Italy.

Di Folco, S., Psouni, E., Guerriero, V. & Zavattini, G-C, (2013). Emotional competence in middle childhood: The role of attachment representations to mother and father. In IAC Symposium, Attachment and Family Relationships, International Attachment Conference (IAC), Aug 30-Sep 1 2013, Pavia, Italy.

Psouni, E & Bengtsson, H (2013). Perceived pressure to conform, out of fear of rejection or because of strong negative reactivity to conflict, predicts preadolescent psychopathology beyond the contribution of attachment. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, session 1-047, Apr 18, 2013, Seattle, USA.

Psouni, E., & Apetroaia, A. (2011a). Validity and Reliability of the Secure Base Script Test for Middle Childhood. International Attachment Conference (IAC), Aug 18-21 2011, Oslo, Norway.

Bengtsson, H. & Psouni, E., (2011). Assessment of Caregiving Representations. International Attachment Conference (IAC), Aug 18-21 2011, Oslo, Norway.

Psouni, E., & Apetroaia, A. (2011b). Secure Base Scripts in Middle Childhood: The Development of a New Method. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, session 1-174, Mar 31-Apr 2, 2011, Montréal, Canada.

Clucas, P. & Psouni, E. (2011). The Narrative Assessment of Attachment: Validity of the Secure Base Script Test for Middle Childhood. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, session 1-174, Mar 31-Apr 2, 2011, Montréal, Canada.

Psouni, E., & Garwicz, M. (2010). Determinants of the timing of weaning in humans and other mammals. Society for Neuroscience 40th Convention, session 441, Nov 15, 2010.

Dahlin, L. B., Ljungberg, E., Rosberg, H., Steen-Carlsson, K. & Psouni, E. (2010). Hand injuries in children. Invited symposium presentation, IFSSH, Oct 31–Nov 4 2010.

Psouni, E (2010). Parents’ Romantic Attachment Style and Relationship Characteristics and their Representations of Parental Caregiving. Invited symposium presentation, International Association for Relational Research (IARR) Congress, Herzlija, Israel, 22-26 Jul 2010.

Psouni, E & Bengtsson, H (2010a). Relationships between Adult Attachment and Caregiving Representations in Parents. Presentation, International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD) Biennial Meeting, Lusaka, 18-22 Jul 2010.

Psouni, E & Bengtsson, H (2010b). Parents’ Romantic Attachment Style and Relationship Characteristics Affect their Representations of Parental Caregiving. Presentation, International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD) Biennial Meeting, Lusaka, 18-22 Jul 2010.                                          

 Bengtsson, H, Gustafsson, C., Torshall, B & Psouni, E (2010). Relationship between Parents’ Attachment and Caregiving Representations at Automatic level of Awareness. Presentation, International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD) Biennial Meeting, Lusaka, 18-22 Jul 2010.           

Psouni, E. & Bengtsson, H. (2008). Relationship between Parents’ Attachment and Caregiving Representations at Different Levels of Awareness. Symposium presentation, International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD) Biennial Meeting, Würzburg, Jul 13–17, 2008.

Psouni, E. & Sturesson, J. (2007). Children’s ability to detect emotional states from facial expressions and its relation to teachers’ ratings of social competence. Poster (24pm-011), XIIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Jena, Aug 21-25, 2007.

Psouni, E., Johannesson, E. & Welff-Nantas, C. (2005). Inter-parent versus inter-domain spill over effects on parental satisfaction. Presentation (V2-E3-PA206), XIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Teneriffa, Aug 24-28, 2005.

Psouni, E., Johannesson, E. & Karlsson, M. (2005). Maternal gatekeeping attitudes predict Swedish fathers’ involvement with their children. Poster (SM-E3-PO241), XIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Teneriffa, Aug 24-28, 2005.

Bengtsson, H.  & Psouni, E. E. (2003). Maternal Representations of Caregiving and their Adult Childrens' Representations of Attachment. Presentation, XIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Milano, Aug 27-31, 2003.

Psouni, E. E. (2001). Measures for the assessment of itch and their psychological correlates. Presentation, Society for Neuroscience, 31st Convention, San Diego, USA, Nov 10-15, 2001.

Psouni, E. E. (2001). A psychophysical measure for the assessment of itch and its psychological correlates. Presentation, International Workshop for the Study of Itch, Singapore, Oct 5-7, 2001.

Psouni, E. E. (2001). Priming Effects as Contextual Variation in Concept Definition tasks with Children. Presentation, Xth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Uppsala, Aug 22-26, 2001.

Psouni, E. E. (2000). Occupational Stress and its Interplay with Different Stages of Family Development. Presentation (51226.05), XXVII International Congress in Psychology, Stockholm, Jul 23-28, 2000.

Psouni, E. E. (2000). Beliefs about mothering and fathering in non-parents and parents: Themes, structure and well-being. Presentation (10523.06), XXVII International Congress in Psychology, Stockholm, Jul 23-28, 2000.

Psouni, E. E. & Freeman, N. H. (2000). Development of Concepts of Mother and Father from Preschool through to Adulthood. Poster (41615.20), XXVII International Congress in Psychology, Stockholm, July 23-28, 2000.


Commissioned presentations directed at authorities, politicians, professions and the public

2022 Vad vill vi med inskolningen? Utvecklingspsykologiskt perspektiv på introduktionen till förskolan. Nätverket för psykologer i förskolan. Nationally (Zoom) 2022-12-08

2021 På jakt efter kunskaper – hur introduceras barn till förskolanIFOUS Mötesplats förskola). Nationally (Zoom) 2021-05-20.

2020 Introduktion till förskola. Evidensbaserad praxis? Institution för Forskning och Utbildning i Skolan (IFOUS). Nationally (Zoom) 2020-08-26.

2020 Jakten på den trygghetsfrämjande uppväxtmiljön – ur ett modernt anknytningsteoretiskt perspektiv. Länsstyrelsen Skåne: 2020-05-28.

2019 Evidens kontra Politik, eller politik över evidens? Kunskapsläget och tillämpningen av principen om barnens bästa. Bokrelease/Studentlitteratur: Lund, 2019-12-10.

2019 Akademisk stress och prestationsångest bland eleverna i den svenska skolan: Påverkan från lärarnas socioemotionella färdigheter. Samordningschefer, nyanlända ungdomar: Lund, 2019-05-08.

2019 De stresståliga ungdomarna på spåret… Akademisk stress bland svenska tonåringar: Påverkan från lärarnas socioemotionella färdigheter. Kompetensutvecklingsdag, Gymnasielärare Lunds Kommun. 2019-03-01.

2018 De stresståliga ungdomarna på spåret – nya fynd. Skolchefernas Konferens. Lund, 2018-05-18.

2017 Utemiljö och barns utvecklingKommunförbundet, Skåne. Hässleholm, 2017-05-04.

2017 Den goda förskolan på spåret. Malmö Stads Miljöförvaltning. Malmö, 2017-02-17.

2017 Postpartumreaktioner och föräldrastress under den perinatala perioden - främst fokus på fäder. Region Skåne M-BHV Psykologernas konferens. Malmö, 2017-01-24.

2016 De stresståliga ungdomarna på spåret. Skolchefernas konferens. Lund, 2016-12-09.

2016 Pappornas depressive symptom under den perinatala perioden. Lund & Malmö M-BHV Psykologer Skånes Universitetssjukhus. Malmö, 2016-10-27.

2016 De stresståliga ungdomarna på spåret. Lund kommuns Skolförvaltning. 2016-10-12.

2016 Den goda förskolan på spåret. Malmö Stads Miljöförvaltning. 2016-08-23.

2016 Den trygga anknytningen på spåret. Föreläsning, Journal Digital. Malmö, 2016-05-26.

2011 Är det mitt fel att min tonåring är deppig?” Kristianstads kommun - Föreläsning för allmänheten. Kristianstad, 2011-03-17.



2022 SR-Godmorgon världen, Ensamma mammor, från utsatt till stark grupp, intervju med Märta Myrstener 2022-12-25

2022 Frivilligt ensamstående mamma Sydsvenskan 2022-12-12

2022 Barn födda under pandemin ligger efter i utvecklingen Göteborgsposten 2022-10-28

2022 Kommun erbjuder förskola från sex månader – sågas Göteborgsposten 2022-10-28

2022 I Borås får spädbarn börja förskolan Göteborgsposten 2022-10-26

2022 Då är bästa åldern att skola in på förskolan enligt forskarna Göteborgsposten 2022-10-26

2022 Mer komplext att skola in ”pandemibarn” på förskolan. SVT 2022-06-05

2022 Så viktig är hud mot hud-kontakt mellan pappor och barn. Göteborgsposten 2022-05-30

2022 Avstånd på förskolan drabbade småbarnens tillit. Sydsvenskan 2022-03-06

2022 Så har förskolors inskolningar påverkats av pandemin. Forskning 2022-02-04

2022 Introduktion till förskolan under pandemin. Förskole Forum 2022-02-02

2021 Pappadepression är vanligare än man tror. Av Erik Skogh. National Kompetenscentrum Anhöriga (NKA), 2021-12-07

2021 Niklas blev deprimerad efter att sonen föddes Göteborgsposten 2021-11-11

2021 Hur mår barn och deras föräldrar bäst? Vägen till föräldraskap. Aftonbladet/Hälsoportal, 2021-09-29

2021 Anknytningen borde ha avgjort treåringens fall. Debatt Svenska Dagbladet, 2021-09-27

2021 Ny studie ska undersöka hur familjen påverkar barn. Av Maria Zamore. Dagens Nyheter, 2021-09-09

2021 Så pratar du med din tonårsdotter. Av Cornelia Mikaelsson. Aftonbladet, 2021-03-13

2021 SR-P1 Filosofiska Rummet ”Varför just två? Om det bästa antalet föräldrar till ett barn” 2021-04-11

2021 SR-P4 Malmö Radiohus, intervju med Anna Hanspers 2021-04-08

2020 Ny forskningsstudie om barns utveckling i alla familjeformer. Av Fredrik Söderlund. SvD, 2020-12-28

2020 Pappadepression går hand i hand med otrygg relation till partnernVetenskap & HälsaDec 2020.

2020 ”Wochenbettdepression: Wenn das Mutterglück ausbleibt”, av Josie Glausiusz. Neue Zurcher Zeitung am Sonntag, Schweiz, 2020-11-29

2020 Det här är ditt tonårsbarn och så kan du bemöta det. Av Christian Youhana. Dagens Nyheter, 2020-11-25

2020 ”Pappa övergav Sandra”, av Klara Monserrat. Expressen, 2020-11-10

2020 Forskning ska pröva om kärnfamiljen verkligen är bäst. Intervju kring ”Evidens kontra Övertygelse: 10 000 föräldrar sökes”. Göteborgs-Posten, 2020-10-15

2020 Hade barnets behov fått styra hade tragedin i Norrköping kunnat undvikas. Debattartikel med Anders Broberg, Pia Risholm Mothander, m fl. Göteborgs-Posten, 2020-02-23

2020 Så mår barnen av att föräldrarna skiljer sig. Aftonbladet2020-01-30

2020 Tryggt beteende hos partner kan förbättra anknytning. Av Ann-Louise Larsson. Familjehemmet, 2020-01-02

2020 SR-P1 Kropp och Själ. ”Har Du Dålig Anknytning?”  2020-02-04

Med Pia Risholm Mothander (SU) och Cecilia Hörnell Sunar. Programledare: Ulrika Hjalmarson Neideman, producent: Clara Lowden https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/1438001

2020 SR-P4 Morgon. Intervju kring ”Bemötande av din tonåring”. 2020-11-30

2020 SR-P4 Morgon. Intervju kring ”Evidens kontra Övertygelse: 10 000 föräldrar sökes”. 2020-10-13

2020 SR-P4 Morgon. Intervju kring ”Evidens kontra Övertygelse: 10 000 föräldrar sökes”. 2020-10-19

2019 Den vuxna människans förmåga till goda relationer bestäms inte enbart av sina barndomsupplevelser. Av Maria Backman. Göteborgs-Posten, Nov 2019.

2019 Så många män drabbas av pappadepressionenAftonbladet2019-10-22

2019 Trygg, rolig och lite farlig. Av Tora Villanueva Gran. Förskolan, 2019-05-10

2018 Kritisk blick kräver träning – Men kan små barn verkligen vara kritiska? Av Sara Djurberg. Förskolan, 5-2018

2018 Hur påverkas barn av nya familjekonstellationer? Av Eva Bartonek Roxå. Vetenskap & HälsaVåren 2018

2018 Fysiska men ökar risken för psykisk ohälsa. TT- Spektra2018-03-21

Publicerat bl. a. i Svenska Dagbladed (2018-03-21), Dagens Nyheter (2018-03-21), Sydsvenskan (webb) - Helsingborgs Dagblad (webb) - Hallands Nyheter (webb) - Hallandsposten (webb) - Göteborgs-Posten (webb) - Aftonbladet (webb) - Upsala Nya Tidning (webb) - Östgöta Correspondenten (webb) - Eskilstuna-Kuriren (webb) - TTELA (webb) - Västerviks-Tidningen (webb) - Piteå-Tidningen (webb) - Södermanlands Nyheter (webb) - Katrineholms-Kuriren (webb) - Enköpings-Posten (webb) - Norrländska Socialdemokraten (webb) - Bohusläningen (webb) - Norrköpings Tidningar (webb) - Norrbottens-Kuriren (webb) - Borås Tidning (webb) - Ystads Allehanda (webb) - Kristianstadsbladet (webb) - Folkbladet (webb) - Motala & Vadstena Tidning (webb) - Barometern (webb) - Sydöstran (webb) - Blekinge Läns Tidning (webb) - Helagotland (webb) - News 55 (webb) - TT Nyhetsbyrån - Östra Småland (webb) - Smålandsposten (webb)

2018 SR-P4 Blekinge samt P4-Halland. Lika smärtsamt att bli avvisad på sociala medier. Intervju kring betydelsen av sociala media för tonåringar. 2018-02-22 respektive 2018-02-23

2018 SR-P4 Blekinge. Lika smärtsamt att bli avvisad på sociala medier. 2018-02-23

2017 The article Symptoms of depression in Swedish fathers in the postnatal period and development of a screening tool, by Psouni, E., Agebjörn, J., & Linder, H., received massive global attention - translated into 25 languages and summarized in more than 2200 scientific and popular scientific websites within 2 weeks of publication (reported by LU Media office).

Examples of interviews given in international media:

Time Magazine               http://time.com/5014221/postpartum-depression-men/

News Medical                https://www.news-medical.net/news/20171106/Depression-among-new-fathers-may-be-more-common-than-previously-believed-study-shows.aspx

Ask Men                                  https://uk.askmen.com/news/sports/new-fathers-at-higher-risk-of-postpartum-depression-than-previously-thought.html

Interviews in national media, included Swedish Radio SR P4-EXTRA, 2017-10-27, SR P1 Studio 1 (at 17.30) 2017-10-21; P4 Malmöhus kl. 15.47), 18/10 SR4 Jönköping and original interviews for daily newspapers, which resulted in further media coverage. Some examples below (several others have been removed with time):












2017 Föräldrar kan inte lära en sjuåring sund fatalism. SvD, 2017-05-24

2016  Forskare kritisk till miljö på förskolan. Sydsvenskan, 2016-02-25

2014 En bra kram är en ärlig kram. SR P3, 2014-01-28 and 2014-02-11

2012 The interdisciplinary article Impact of carnivory on human development and evolution revealed by a new unifying model of weaning in mammals by Psouni, E., Janke, A. & Garwicz, M. in PLoS ONE 7(4): e32452., received massive global attention. With its more than 38 000 Views it is ranked as number 11 among the 1 421 articles from Lund university ever published in PLOS journals (ONE, Genetics, Pathogens, Biology, Computational Biology, Medicine, Neglected tropical diseases).

Translated into more than 20 languages and presented in more than 1100 scientific and popular scientific websites within 2 weeks of publication (reported by LU Media office). Some examples below (several others have been removed with time):

LiveScience             http://www.livescience.com/19770-meat-eating-humans-weaning.html

History.Com          http://www.history.com/news/2012/04/19/eating-meat-allowed-humans-to-conquer-globe-scientists-say

News Medical       https://www.news-medical.net/news/20120420/Connection-between-eating-meat-and-faster-weaning-process.aspx

Participation in popular nature documentary TV-series in South Korea, with around 5 million viewers. A DVD with the whole television program is available upon request.

2011 ”Sjuka barn har inga syskon”: Anhöriga barns situation. Med L. Dahlin. Av Eva Bartonek Roxå. Vetenskap & Hälsa, 2011-11-04

2011 Föräldrastöd skall hjälpa barn med sjuka syskonSydsvenskan, 2011-10-31

2010 Epigenetik – forskning på gränsen mellan arv och miljö. Kyrkans Tidning, 2010-11-04

2010 Ångestens ursprung ska spårasSydsvenskan, 2010-03-12

2010 Depressioner spåras hos skånska barnDN, 2010-03-12

2010 Människa och djur: Vi är mer lika än vi trorVi Föräldrar, Mars.

2010 Forskare vill förebygga tonåringars problemKristianstadbladet, 2010-02-06


2009 The interdisciplinary article A unifying model for timing of walking onset in humans and other mammals by Garwicz, M., Christensson, M. & Psouni, E., in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 106:21889-21893 became viral in the internet. News were translated into 24 languages and presented in more than 130 scientific and popular scientific websites within 3 weeks of publication (reported by LU Media office). Some examples below (several others have been removed with time):

SR-Vetenskapsradio: Därför dröjer våra ungar med att gå http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=406&artikel=3308002

Science: All Mammals March to the Same Beat https://www.science.org/content/article/all-mammals-march-same-beat

Live Science: Study Reveals Why Infants Can't Walk http://www.livescience.com/culture/091214-babies-first-steps.html

2009 Människan inte så olik djurKristianstadbladet, 2009-12-14

2009 Att vara kärleksfull innebär också att kunna lösa sina konflikter på ett konstruktivt sätt, föräldrar emellan. Intervjuad kring föräldrakonflikter och deras effekter på barnen. TT-Spektra 2009-04-17.

Publicerat bl.a. i Barometern 2009-06-02, Karlskoga Tidning 2009-06-02, Norra Västerbotten 2009-06-02, Kristianstadbladet 2009-06-03, Piteå Tidningen 2009-06-03, Skånska Dagbladet 2009-06-03, Västgöta Tidningar 2009-06-03, Hallands Nyheter 2009-06-04, Katrineholms-Kuriren 2009-06-04, Alingsås Tidning 2009-06-05, Norra Skåne 2009-06-05, Nya Wermlands-Tidningen 2009-06-08, Sydöstran 2009-06-10, Jönköpings-Posten 2009-06-15, Smålands-Tidningen 2009-06-22, Ingress Media 2009-06-23, Uppsala Nya Tidning 2009-06-26, Skånemedia 2009-07-10 

2009 Hämnd i form av att offentligt hänga ut sin förälderExpressen, 2009-06-24

2009 OK att inte vara överens om barnen. Kring föräldrarnas förhandlingar om barnuppfostran. Svenska Dagbladet, 2009-02-20

2009 Vad beror föräldrakvalitén påSR-P4-Kristianstad, 2009-01-20, SR-P4-Blekinge 2009-01-21

2009 SR-P4Ilska ger skuldkänslor: föräldraskapskvalité och förälderns egen uppväxt. 2009-01-20

2004 Att vara lyhörd är viktigt. Kristianstadsbladet, 2004-03-05