Study Freestanding courses
At Lund University, you have a unique opportunity to study psychology based on your interests and goals
We offer a number of independent courses of both 30 credits and 15 credits and courses that are taught full-time and half-time. The area courses (30 credits) have a clear anchoring within the department's research departments, while the theme courses (15 credits) are for those of you who are interested in study psychology in a more applied way. The range of courses offers great opportunity for creativity in the combination of courses. We offer a number of freestanding courses in English.
The preliminary schedule for a course is published 4 weeks before the start of the course. Minor changes may occur thereafter. You can search for the current and previous schedule in TimeEdit by selecting the semester and searching for the course name or course code: TimeEdit | Lunds universitet
You can find the course code for a course that you are going to study in the syllabus or in Ladok.
Course literature lists are available no later than 8 weeks before the start of the course. You can search for the current and previous course syllabus and course literature list in the LU Syllabus Database by searching for the course code: LU Syllabus Database
There may not be a course literature list listed for the particular semester you are studying. Then it is the latest course literature list that still applies.
If you want to take a psychology course in English as part of your exchange semester/year, please contact your international coordinator at your home university for more information.
If you want to apply to the course on your own, you do so through
If you have taken a course at the department that is no longer offered, you have the opportunity to complete the course within one year after the course was discontinued. In the link below you find information about dicontinued courses.
Area courses, 30 credits
In our area courses, you get to immerse yourself in theories and research in specific areas within psychology
PSYD54 Psychology: Cognitive Neuroscience, 30 credits (English) - spring semester
PSYD63 Psychology: Personality- and Development Psychology, 30 credits (English) - fall semester
Theme courses, 15 credits
Our theme courses give you the opportunity to learn more about different areas of psychology in a more applied way
PSYE61 Psychology: Artificial Intelligence and Psychology, 15 credits (English)
Advanced level courses
Advanced level courses have special eligibility requirements in the form of previous university studies. Read more on the course page.
At the moment we do not offer any advanced level courses

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Study advisor
For guidance regarding studies, student social issues, support measures, study breaks, etc.
Elin Holgersson
046-222 91 15
studievagledare_fk [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (studievagledare_fk[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)
Room P131
Programme administrator
For help with Ladok matters, room bookings, certificates, exams, etc.
Sinnamon Varsamouli Adamopoulou
046-222 33 94
sinnamon [dot] varsamouli_adamopoulou [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (sinnamon[dot]varsamouli_adamopoulou[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)
Room P129
Director of studies
Simon Granér
046-222 87 76
simon [dot] graner [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (simon[dot]graner[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)
Room P132
Department administrator
Email questions regarding Canvas, Inspera
Stefan Persson
stefan [dot] persson [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (stefan[dot]persson[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)
Room P123