Master of science programme – current students

New student at the Master's programme?
We have collected useful info for you as a new student with us.

Find schedules, literature and syllabus
Find you Schedule
You can search for the current and previous schedule in TimeEdit by selecting the semester and searching for the course name or course code. TimeEdit | Lunds universitet
You can find the course code for a course that you are going to study in the syllabus or in Ladok.
Find course syllabus and literature list
You can search for the current and previous course syllabus and course literature list in the LU Syllabus Database, Search for the right course by using the course code, for example course code PSYP01.
Course literature lists are available no later than 8 weeks before the start of the course.
Visit LU Syllabus Database
There may not be a course literature list listed for the particular semester you are studying. Then it is the latest course literature list that still applies.

Contact us
Looking for a study counselor, study administrator or maybe the Programme director?
Here you will find all our contact details.