Digital environment tips
Below some helpful tips to consider when working in a digital environment.
If you have headsets / headphones - feel free to use them as you hear and are heard better.
Regardless if you´re using headphones or mobile / computer: Test the sound related to what you hear (the speaker) and what you say (the microphone). If possible, do it well in advance of a meeting.
When connecting to a meeting, have your microphone on "mute". This is because you run the risk of interfering with sounds you have in your environment.
Keep your microphone off (mute), when you are not talking yourself. This is to reduce distracting acoustic or circular noise. The host also has the opportunity (in settings) to put everyone on "mute", which can be a good starting point and then letting participants put on their microphones when needed.
Have your camera off when you enter a meeting. If you are the host, you can decide that the participants' cameras should be off from the start. This is to create some space for everyone to get prepared for the meeting.
Have more light from the front than from the back. For example, if you have a window behind you, you will look like a shadow to the other participants.
The camera and your name creates a more realistic and encouraging meeting forum. So keep the camera running (even if you're just listening). It´s a good idea to post a picture of yourself so that if your camera is shut down there will still be a picture of you. Also, make sure that it is your name that is visible and not your student / job login, for example psy-xxx. The meeting becomes so much more alive this way compared to encountering black squares and incomprehensible abbreviations…
However, if a poor connection, turn off the cameras to restore quality.
Feel free to create a test meeting (you can do meetings with just yourself as a participant) to test the different features, functions and become familiar with the program!
If you wish, invite a colleague or someone in the digital support group to test and receive feedback on how your meeting is perceived. We learn by doing and helping each other out.