Registration for exams
IMPORTANT: You have to register for all exams through Ladok. This includes regular exams, re-exams and the collection exams in August. You have to register five days before the exams.
You can register for your exams immediately as soon as the course starts. Link: Ladok student webb
If any technical problem arises when you try to registrate then it is your responsibility to immediately contact sinnamon [dot] varsamouli_adamopoulou [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (sinnamon[dot]varsamouli_adamopoulou[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)
There are two types of exams where there is compulsatory registration:
Campus exam:
You write on campus on your laptop. You can find here more information on how to write it here. If there is a room booked in the schedule for your exam then it is a campus exam.
Distance exam:
You write it from home on your computer or laptop. You can find here more information on how to write it here. If there is no room booked in the schedule for your exam then it is a distance exam.
Forms of assessment
Examination requirements and forms of assessment vary from one course to another within the programme. Usually, a written examination is arranged at the end of each module, in an exam hall, and a few weeks later there is an opportunity for a re-sit.
At the end of August, there is a final chance to re-sit examinations, which means that all the courses that have been offered during the academic year are re-examined. On certain course components there are further chances to re-sit exams, such as ongoing oral or written examinations, i.e. students are assessed continuously during the course. Another form of examination is to write a dissertation. Take-home exams also occur.
Compulsory components
If a lecture, seminar, etc is specified as compulsory in the schedule, you must attend. Students who have been unable to participate due to circumstances such as accidents or sudden illness will be offered the opportunity to compensate for or retake compulsory components. This also applies to students who have had to be absent because of duties as an elected student representative.
Rules of written exams
Written exams begin and end precisely at the stated times. If you arrive more than 30 minutes late for the exam, you do not have the right to take part if anyone has left the examination hall. Valid identification must always be produced! For the first 60 minutes of exam time no one is allowed to leave the examination hall. This applies even if you intend to abandon the exam. When going for the toilet and otherwise, you must follow the exam invigilator's instructions.
Exam results
You can view your results on the Student Portal. You find your written papper exam at the Examination Desk
Student Portal - Lund University
Grading system
The student’s performance is assessed with reference to the learning outcomes of the course. The following grading system is used:
A Excellent
B Very Good
C Good
D Satisfactory
E Sufficient
U Fail
Lund University does not use GPA system.
Review of exam grading
A request for review of your exam grading must be submitted in writing.
General Rules for Exams in the Annex Rules for entry and exit
There is a second admission after 30 minutes
• Once the start time has passed, the doors of the examination hall are closed. There is a second coordinated admission to the examination venues MA08, MA09 and MA10 that will only take place 30 minutes after the start of the exam. Ongoing admission after the start of the exam is not permitted. Students who arrive after the time of the second admission has passed are not allowed to take the exam and are instead referred to the next examination session. The earliest opportunity to leave the examination venue is after 60 minutes
• Students may leave the examination venue at the earliest 60 minutes after the start of the exam. (When an exam has a writing time of less than 60 minutes, students may leave the examination venue at the end of the writing time). The rules above apply as of 1 September 2023.

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