Study guidance
Academic Information and Resources
Student accounts
Approved leave of Studies
You may apply for an approved leave of studies if you have special reasons (medical, social or other special reasons). Below you find the form for an application.
Application for approved leave of studies due to special reasons (PDF)
For students beginning the Master programme in the fall of 2019, the Department has started using a new web-based platform for course information that is called Canvas. On Canvas you will find important information about your course, such as compendiums from lectures, information from the lecturer, changes to the timetable, etc.
Log in with your student id.
Master’s students are served by the Library of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Library of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lund University
At the library you will find study places, computers, printing and copying facilities and of course textbooks as well as other literature. In order to use the computers and/or the Internet, log on using your StiL ID. All students are offered a library introduction and information search training. At the library you can also get your library card – just show your admission letter.
The Lund University Library is also available to you and conveniently accessible.
Student card - Lund University access card
As a student you are entitled to a personal access card. The card will have several functions:
• ID card within Lund University
• access card to all premises relevant to your education/position
STiL account
You received a StiL account (student computer identity/login) when you were admitted to the Master of Science programme. The account will be used for the electronic communication between you, your teachers and the administration. It gives you access to the electronic resources connected to the University and its libraries. In addition, you will use your StiL address when you log on to LUVIT. You will find information about your student account enclosed in your welcome letter. Please note that it is the student’s own responsibility to make sure that his/her email works!
If you have problems with your StiL ID, please contact LU Service Desk directly.
servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se
Academic matters
Student rights may involve things such as student participation, students' work environment, how to conduct exams and degree projects and much more. Your rights and responsibilities as a student towards the University and your department are governed by university policies and national laws and regulations. For more information, visit:
Student rights and guidelines – Lund University
Do you have complaints about the education?
Student desk
E-mail: sinnamon [dot] varsamouli_adamopoulou [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se
Phone: +46 46 222 87 59
Room booking:
Please contact Sinnamon for information

Login to the course platform using your student ID.
Do you want to use a group study room?
If the group room is free then it’s fine. To check if it’s available, scan the QR-code that you’ll find on the sign with the room number. Do you want to book a group room? As a student at the Faculty of Social Sciences you can book yourself on this web page:
Use your student account, StiL, to log in. On the web page you will also find the rules for booking.
House P is open Monday – Thursday 7:30 – 18:00, Friday 7:30 – 17:00.