Semester 1-4 Master of Science Programme in Psychology
The Master of Science Programme in Psychology, 120 credits, provides specialisation and breadth in the field of psychology. The aim of the programme is to provide you with a Master's degree firmly founded in scientific scholarship and knowledge of current theory and research in psychology, and offering broad career opportunities. Within the programme, you have the possibility to choose courses within specific subjects of areas of psychology.
A brief introduction to the courses semester 1-4
First semester
In the first semester you will be encouraged to advance your academic thinking and deepen your understanding of how knowledge is accquired and represented within psychology. The courses provide you with methodological skills required for independent reseach.
You focus on the basic theory and practice of science and advanced research in psychology.
- PSYP11 Theory and Practice of Science in Psychology, 15 credits
- PSYP15 Advanced Scientific Methods in Psychology, 15 credits
Second semester
The second semester is designed to increase your understanding and knowledge of psychology by deepening your comprehension of theories and current research.
In the second semester you specialise in the field of psychology, by selecting three out of five advanced theoretical courses.
Three of following courses (total 22.5 credits)
a) PSYN20 Psychology: Advanced Social Psychology I, 7.5 credits
b) PSYN40 Psychology: Advanced Personality Psychology - Typical and Atypical I, 7.5 credits
c) PSYN60 Psychology: Advanced Developmental Psychology - Typical and Atypical I, 7.5 credits
d) PSYN50 Psychology: Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience I, 7.5 credits
e) PSYN30 Psychology: Advanced Work and Organisational Psychology I, 7.5 credits
In addition to these theoretical courses, you study the Specialised Topics course, where advanced research skills are trained in a selection of specific focus areas.
Course: PSYN70 Psychology: Specialised Topics
Third semester
The third semester is designed to increase your understanding and knowledge of psychology by deepening your comprehension of theories and current research.
In the third semester you gain knowledge in the areas that were chosen during the previous semester, and you continue your advanced studies in the selected fields.
Three of following courses (total 22.5 credits)
a) PSYN25 Psychology: Advanced Social Psychology II, 7.5 credits
b) PSYN45 Psychology: Advanced Personality Psychology - Typical and Atypical II, 7.5 credits
c) PSYN65 Psychology: Advanced Developmental Psychology - Typical and Atypical II, 7.5 credits
d) PSYN55 Psychology: Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience II, 7.5 credits
e) PSYN35 Psychology: Advanced Work and Organisational Psychology II, 7.5 credits
The last part of the third semester comprises empirical work leading to preparing a research plan or conducting a pilot study.
PSYN81 Psychology: Empirical Work in the Field of Psychology, 7,5 credits
Fourth semester
During the fourth and final semester you will complete the programme by writing a thesis, which provides you with the possibility to demonstrate and enhance your understanding of theories and empirical research methods.
The student is to conduct a sophisticated research project and write a research report based on empirical data. The course aims at providing students with further training in the skills of conducting research within the field of Psychology and, at the same time, the acquire more specialised knowledge within a topic of focus.
PSYP01 Psychology: Master's (Two Years) Thesis in Psychology
PSYP02 Psychology: Master's (One Year) Thesis in Psychology

Find schedules, literature and syllabus
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You can find the course code for a course that you are going to study in the syllabus or in Ladok.
Find course syllabus and literature list
You can search for the current and previous course syllabus and course literature list in the LU Syllabus Database, Search for the right course by using the course code, for example course code PSYP01.
Course literature lists are available no later than 8 weeks before the start of the course.
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There may not be a course literature list listed for the particular semester you are studying. Then it is the latest course literature list that still applies.