Management Group
Tasks and responsibilities for the Management Group of the Master of Science Programme in Psychology (MSPP):
- Meet three times per semester. Minutes are typed, reported to the Board of the Department, and are published on the website of the Department of Psychology.
- Work to develop and renew the range of courses offered, considering societal demands, demands of the labour market, scientific development within the field of psychology and the interest of the students.
- Work for alignment of content and level of difficulty of the different courses in order to form a coherent programme.
- Work for the highest possible quality of all courses – with regard to content, education and pedagogy.
- Review and propose course syllabi and course literature for new courses.
- Actively promote the intercultural exchange between teachers and students in the programme.
- Actively work to promote internationalisation of the study programme.
- Participate in the development of policies and practices for educational and student issues.
- Review and approve changes to course syllabi and literature by appointment of the board of the Department of Psychology, Lund University.
- Make decisions on other questions regarding education delegated to the Management Group by the Board of the Department of Psychology, Lund University.
Members Management group for International Masters
Programme Directors
Roger Johansson
roger [dot] johansson [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (roger[dot]johansson[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)
Sinnamon Varsamouli Adamopoulou
sinnamon [dot] varsamouli_adamopoulou [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (sinnamon[dot]varsamouli_adamopoulou[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)
Programme coordinator and Study Advisor
Åsa Arvidsson
asa [dot] arvidsson [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (asa[dot]arvidsson[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)
Teacher representatives
Geoffrey Patching
geoffrey [dot] patching [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (geoffrey[dot]patching[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)
Elia Psouni
elia [dot] psouni [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (elia[dot]psouni[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)
Roger Persson
roger [dot] persson [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (roger[dot]persson[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)
Petri Kajonius
petri [dot] kajonius [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (petri[dot]kajonius[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)
Teacher alternates
Tomas Jungert
tomas [dot] jungert [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (tomas[dot]jungert[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)
Una Tellhed
una [dot] tellhed [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (una[dot]tellhed[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)
Student representative
ledrep [dot] psymsc [at] samvetet [dot] lu [dot] se (ledrep[dot]psymsc[at]samvetet[dot]lu[dot]se)
Sylvana Brewer
Kristin Langohr

Questions about the programme?
Contact our Programme coordinator for study guidance
Åsa Arvidsson
Phone: +46 (0)46-222 87 59
master [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (master[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)
Master minutes 2023-11-23 (Pdf, ny flik)
Master minutes 2023-10-19 (Pdf, ny flik
Master minutes 2023-09-14 (Pdf, ny flik)
Master minutes 2023-05-11 (PDF, ny flik)
Master minutes 2023-03-16 (PDF)
Master minutes 2022-01-26 (PDF)
Master minutes 2022-11-24 (PDF)
Master minutes 2022-10-20 (PDF)
Master minutes 2022-09-15 (PDF)
Master minutes 2022-05-12 (PDF)
Master minutes 2022-03-17 (PDF)
Master minutes 2021-11-25 (PDF)
Master minutes 2021-10-28 (PDF)
Master minutes 2021-09-23 (PDF)
Master minutes 2021-05-27 (PDF)
Master minutes 2021-03-18 (PDF)
Master minutes 2021-02-04 (PDF)
Board meetings 2024
Authumn 2024
19 September
24 October
28 November
Spring 2025
30 January
27 March
15 May
Time: 09.30–12:00