Ongoing studies
Here are our ongoing studies!
Our large prospective child and family development study
Families today do not necessarily look like the "nuclear family" of the past. Despite this, there is little research on parenting and child development in different family forms. We want to change that. We believe that the best interests of children in all family forms must be based on scientific evidence, not convictions and politics!
Our large prospective child and family development study
Security and emotional adjustment: Introduction to preschool
The importance of the quality in the relationships children form in their first years of life for their further socio-emotional development is well-established knowledge in developmental psychology.
However, the child’s entire network of close caregivers ought to be considered when studying the child’s development of attachment security.
Security and emotional adjustment: Introduction to preschool
For further information please contact:
Elia Psouni
Principal Investigator
Email: elia [dot] psouni [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se
Telephone: +46 46 222 0503
Mobile: +46 733 142 876