For purchasing of office supplies, furniture and other equipment, please contact the department caretaker.
To purchase books and other items related to teaching, please contact the director of studies. All orders of books and other teaching materials must first be approved by the director of studies. When ordering required reading, use Lupin (see below). To place an order you will need to set up an account, provide the department’s billing address, and the name of the director of studies or equivalent as a reference.
When it comes to IT and software, please contact the IT manager at the department.
If you place an order, after having received approval from the responsible reference person, it is important that you pick the right supplier. Lund University must comply with the law on public procurement.
Current suppliers of products and services:
Lupin (New window)
Log in with the username:
- login [at] avtal [dot] lu [dot] se
- password: Avtal123
If there is no established agreement, a procurement must be made. For this, contact the caretaker.
The billing address is:
Institutionen för psykologi
Box 188
221 00 Lund
State the name of the reference person.
Internal invoicing for teaching outside the department
Work performed at another LU department or outside of LU is to be reported to the head of department and approved in good time so that it is consistent with the department’s planning and your own. Once you have completed the work you are to compile the basis for an invoice by filling in the form via the link below:
The completed form is to be submitted to the human resources administrator who will enter the hours in the duties plan, and then submit it to Department Services so that they invoice the department/employer in question.
Lupin is the system used to process, review and approve invoices. For more information and assistance, please contact the department caretaker.
Approval authorisation
Heads of department have approval authorisation, that is, they are authorised to use the government authority’s funds by approving decisions concerning:
- procurement
- product orders
- supplier invoices
- advance payments
- travel expense reports
- reimbursements.
At the department, the directors of studies have the delegated authority to approve expenses associated with our study programmes.