PhD programme
Information for PhD students at the Department of Psychology.

Term registration
Term registration is done via the Student Portal with StiL or Lucat ID.
Student portal - Lund University
Graduate researchers' fund
Application forms and regulations for the ungraduate researchers' fund. Can be submitted at any time during the year in duplicate to the director of studies for the doctoral program.
Application to the Graduate Research Fund (PDF)
Co-author declaration and confirmation
Useful Shortcuts

The Doctoral student handbook
The handbook provides an overview of the doctoral program at the Department of Psychology and can be used to get guidance on various issues during your PhD Studies
Doctoral Student Handbook (Pdf, new tab)
Eva Hoff
Director of Doctoral Studies
eva [dot] hoff [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (eva[dot]hoff[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)
Anita Lennerstedt
+46 46 222 91 21
anita [dot] lennerstedt [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (anita[dot]lennerstedt[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se)