Our studies directed towards foster parents and children in out-of-home care
Trauma-informed care and child resilience
Through a series of controlled, longitudinal studies we evaluate the short- and long-term effects of the psychoeducational trauma-informed intervention Resource Parent Curriculum (RPC) directed towards foster parents and social workers. We study key factors for the interplay between caregiver and child, such as: perceived parenting self-efficacy, knowledge of trauma-informed care, understanding of the child's behavior and placement stability. We also conduct qualitative studies on foster parents’ and social workers’ experiences of trauma-informed care.
Finally, we conduct studies focusing on children/youth in out-of-home care: their well-being and attachment security, and their perspective on their life and development. We study also resilience in the long term, for instance with focus on parents who have own experiences of out-of-home care during their childhood.