Our large prospective child and family development study
Families today do not necessarily look like the "nuclear family" of the past. Despite this, there is little research on parenting and child development in different family forms. We want to change that. We believe that the best interests of children in all family forms must be based on scientific evidence, not convictions and politics!
We are now recruiting a large number of expectant parents from all different family forms. Those who are expecting a child are invited to participate, by filling in web-based questionnaires at 5 different points over a period of 3 years. We ask about thoughts, feelings, experiences, desires in relation to parenthood, the child, the family. There are many factors and we ask many questions! If the child has another parent, this person is also invited.
The study is approved by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority.
Contact us for more information.
evidenceoverconviction [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se